What is Brick Year?
The distance one can throw a Brick in a year. The current formula for a brick year is as follows:
1 brick second = 0.46 metres = 1 second of brick throwing/collecting
1 brick launch = 2.3 metres = 5 secs = 1 entire brick throw, walk to position, reset throw
1 brick day = 39.744 km = 17280 secs
1 brick year = 14516.496 km = 6311520 secs
This is purely theoretical because the brick would last 1.75 days (30240 secs, covering 69.552km) before it stopped resembling a brick. This is a phenomenon is called a rubble length.
Thats pretty far my friend, at least 3 Brick Years i'd say.
I can't understand light-years, I wish they'd convert it to Brick Years instead.
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