
What is Brigga?


A brigga is a brown nigga (not a wannab like a wigga) they prove that brown peepz can b into the same stuff which a blac man is into. they dont try to b blac its jus natural!

Mr Malhi "wag1 brigga"

BWA "howz the brigga population sayin"

See brown man, Malhi


Brown version of nigga. The badest mother fuckas in the world.(males only(brownies are the females))

Brown guy


1) Brown skinned person (e.g. Hispanic/Middle-Eastern/South Asian) that acts like a niggakinda like wigga.

2) Light-skinned Black person (i.e. someone of African descent who has white/native/asian blood) doesn't necessarily have to act like a nigga, but that helps to be classified as a brigga.

1) Ahmed Khan greets Abdul Mohammed by saying "whats up my brigga"

2) The dark skinned African American greets his fellow African American brother who is light skinned by saying "What up ma brigga".


a nigga wanna be, kinda like a wigga, but not white but brown skinned. Except not as sad and pathetic as wiggas.

briggas fo lyfe!


Brazilians Acting Black...Allowed to say da word nigga

Oi nigga Wasup


brown people that are a lot like niggers but are naturally like dat yo

we are the brown version of wiggas

Yo look at those brigga women they are so much mo fine than nigga women


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