What is Brilerson?
brilerson is a serious case of three characteristic traits from three different guys put together. the characteristic traits consist of obsessiveness, lost(confusion), and controllive(domination). this case is not a good one simply because these guys seem to be the exes that caused damaged to two girls hearts.
*bri - this is the obsessive ex.
*ler - the confused ex who can never make up his mind.
*son- the controlling, "im dominating because i can" ex.
when you feel your male figure is showing any of these signs: controlling, jealous, clingy, stupid, confused, and/or arrogant then sadly, you have a case of the never going away Brilerson.
Joyce: my boyfriend is acting so different, he wants to be with me all the time!
Mimi: he has the case of a Brilerson!