What is Brillo?
The steel wool (preferably Brillo brand) that is pushed in about a half or three-quarters of an inch from one end of a crack pipe.
He was trippin that he inhaled the brillo from his pipe
You down with the brillo? - You smoke crack?
nickname for a peculiar style of hair favored by middle-aged balding males who are attempting to disguise the fact that they ARE losing their hair; appear to have a brillo pad on the top of their heads
oh man, that dude needs a reality check, he's such a brillo!
Used to describe a person who is harsh and insensitive.
Man, John was pretty brillo when he made fun of that guys speach impediment.
krackers with nigger hair (white person with black person hair)
yo my friend brandon has brillo
Thirty something man with shiny shaved head (brillare means to shine in Italian). He usually carries a small water bottle (like a baby bottle), which he fills with tap water because he is too mean to buy a new one. He is usually seen with a girl (the brilla) wearing expensive but boring clothes (she looks like his mum..). They are both extremely disorganised and unaware of world politics. Their passions are getting rich and buying property. They are boring.
'Don't be a brillo!' It broadly means 'don't conform, try to have a personality'. Brillos are all very much the same.
another word for really.
on a wintery day:
"man it is brillo cold out here!"