
What is Brisket?


The leftover foreskin, taken off by a rabbi at a bris (circumcision ceremony)

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, after performing the bris, tossed the brisket in the basket

See foreskin, bris, circumcision, circumcised


A cut of meat from the lower chest area of an animal, especially beef. It is the most amazing food ever when properly barbecued with mesquite coals. Requires at least 24 hours in the pit.

Cooper's in Llano has the absolute brisket ever. It's an orgasm for the mouth.

See barbecue, mesquite, texas, food, charcoal


the big flap of fat that hangs over the pussy of titanic sized women, also known as a giant fupa or gunt.

hey, checkout out the brisket on that big bitch.

See fupa, gunt, mushroom head, bacon maker


a large, sloppy, miserable looking woman

I shouldn't have drank so much last night, I woke up next to a brisket!

See sloppy, large, mess, nasty


a girl with a loose pussy. A slut

"Bro i know that girl will let you fuck, she's a fuckin' brisket!"

See slut, hutch, ripper, strumpet, whore


Big time truckdriver biding his time for the same company that shit on the coastworm!

Brisket drives a large car for tesoro who is just looking for the chance to make him a "shithead"!(see "shithead")


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