What is Bristol?
Is a city. South West of England. Populated with various types of ethnicity. Compared to other cities this is a unique one, loads of bars and clubs, pub, cinema, ice rink, rock climbing, absailing, canoeing and activities to choose from here. Although you get the odd few yobs... the yobs have to decide carefully as to who their target will be. Do not give in to these people or let them intimidate you.
Bristol is very hectic and Livley on weekends with a great atmosphere and on the weekdays a a few bars and clubs still manage to be livo!!
Outsiders to Bristol should respect the history,land, people and the ground on which they walk.
jimmy: lets travel to Bristol, get pissed, get laid, go home!
Sebastian: I would love to engage in the process of travelling to Bristol, I heard its hectic down ther.
The best city in the world.
Despite it's chav image Bristol is one of the most up and coming cities in the UK with it's music scene etc. It's also got the highest income per head of any UK city other than London and is currently ungoing a big boom time with redevelopments all over the city.
Bristol is cooler than your city.
"Man I wish I lived in Bristol"
Bristol is the only suburban town, but called a city, you will see a 14 year old on a skateboard carrying a 40oz while smoking a cigarette. It is also the only place you can catch people dealing drugs on the street attached to the police station. The only place where the cops care less than anything about dui this side of the mississippi. And why? Because the towns newspaper tells you where the DUI checkpoints are the day before. It is the place where the middle-schoolers party harder than your average college student. White suburbia at its finest. The only place you can find a wizard waving to you on a busy intersection or perhaps a vietnam vet who took rides a bicycle that he stole and yells crazy things, and everyones pretty sure he has a steady diet of malt liquor. Bristol is the amsterdam of connecticut, everyone you know sells drugs. Most of them are the most wannabe malibus most wanted type gangsta kids ever. Bristol is the one city you love to hate and somehow can never leave. Home of espn.
Kid at party: You from bristol?
Matt budson: yeah
Kid at party: You got bud?
Matt budson:yeah I got piff all day nothing less than a quarter kid.
Kid at party: damn them kids from bristol are crazy.
One of the UK's largest Cities and is apparently famous for being lively and hectic. However Chavs infested much of the south, but fortuneatly the previous governments have built a river (known as the Avon) which is successful in separating Chavs from the rest of the City. Although recent alarmingly large groups of emo's and emo-skaters have popped up in the rest of the City. But asides from that, it nice.
Bristol...yes, Bristol...no
Verb- To get knocked up or impregnated; generally while underaged and out of wedlock.
Sho'ty got bristoled; nows I gots a baby mamma skimmin' my goddam paycheck!
An unwed teen who is pregnant despite, or as a result of, receiving only abstinence-based sex education in a fundamentalist religious family.
Bristols are growing in number as the economy worsens, leaving them with fewer entertainment choices.
A small city which is divided over SW Virginia/NE Tennessee via State Street. It has a NASCAR track, and thus is the bane of many existences for a few weekends a year, because out of town race people are crazy drivers, rude customers and frequently drunk in public.
Residents frequently complain of there being nothing to do there, but this is only because they don't live in any of the surrounding towns.
Quit your bitching. Bristol is where Abingdonians go to have fun.