
What is Britchopper?


Essentially Brit Chopper was formed from an idea that there was a need for another type of custom building magazine. This magazine wouldn’t just be about blingy kit Harley’s with tits and ass all over the bikes. It wouldn’t just be about bikes and the builders; in fact it would be about anything that anybody would want to build, Bikes, Trikes, Hotrods, Jet Engines and lots more

We have found that combining the Hotrods and Custom bike scene together has created a niche and our readers are interested in all areas of customising

It would also be about the lifestyle, from the hardened biker to the forty something guy or girl that just wants to have a go a t building something and may need a little encouragement.

We started out with lots of ideas and energy and wanted to be different from the other magazines, not that there is anything wrong with the other magazines, we just needed to be different.

We focus on shed built stuff although we can’t ignore some of the more professional stuff as some of it is just stunning. We also talk about lifestyles and feature technical articles about how to do stuff in the shed. We say it like it is and we try to do everything on a minimum budget in order to keep close to reality.

Our readership which now extends into several thousands constantly give us feedback on what they like and what they don’t and we try to tailor the magazine accordingly. These readers are active builders and come from a range of occupations. In the end they all want to build and if you come to visit us at our stand at any of the rallies that we do throughout the year you will get to meet those people.

You don’t get to live forever so we try to have fun with what we do, we have an active community on our forum and you can exchange ideas and thoughts openly on there without the fear of be criticised or poked fun at. We all had to begin somewhere.

So if you what to start building something then start here at Brit Chopper.

Have a look around and most of all enjoy yourself?

"That's so unusual / different / unique / well thought out simple well bugeted engineering it mus be a BritChopper creation!"

A person that 'chops' or alters standard or scrap materials to create useful but different things; most commonly modes of transport.

See bike, trike, hotrod, jet, steam, indian, music, community, lifestyle, friends, advice, knowledge, skills, information


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