
What is Brittney?


The un-preppy way to spell Britany or Brittany.

Brittney's so cool! VS. Britany's a preppy bitch!

See brittany, britany, britney


a girl that is awesome

brittney is very weak

See awesome, sexy, wtf, omg


the girl you are secretly in love with but, you cant show how you really feel because your friends are always on your case about her; teasing about when you two would are going to go out and something happened just recently and now you two dont talk very much and you appear to be slipping away from each other. Thats a bad thing because you 2 were meant to be with each other... no matter what. so save this. make the first move or you'l regret it the rest of your life.

You are Brittney are meant to be.

Its fate.

See fate, destiny, brittney, love, regret


A girl that commonly gets mistaken for a slut or being easy, but often is a smart and beautiful person. She knows what she is talking about and can be very wise.

The nicest sweetes person you will ever meet

She is always there for you.

Females whose parents thought the name was beautiful. Mostly over used in the 13-27 year old age bracket. Often mistaken as a slut most brittney's dispise the name for the confusion that they are whores

A female name, most commonly used in America for girls born in the 80's and 90's. Usually a very unique and outgoing person who makes friends with everyone. Commonly mistaken as a slut (by jealous women) because they often have more friends of the opposite sex (usually football players, wrestlers, swim team hotties, and other types jocks)

Brittney's are usually that girl who dates the QB and gets homecomeing queen. They are also the adventurous type (ex. sky diving, bungee jumping)

They fall for men easily and hate being descibed as a whore

man brittneys are awesome i wish i was one:)

See brittney, hot, sexy, pretty, nice, smart


More than a name something like an attitude. Verb. Meaning, fly-ness, sweetness, all nature no weaves or tracks. Smart, independent, fun, A show off, & most importantly Jaeda's Mommy, a student, a party girl & more. There can only be one all else are copies.

I going to act a brittney at the club

See britney, brittany, britany, brianna, britt


Brittneys aren't always sluts, anyone can be. The name Brittney relates to britain.


look at everyone, names don't make people anything, they make themselves who they are. "brittney is a name'

See brittney, names, britain


a true badass bitch,

if you ever most unfortunate to meet a away cause she will directly stab a sword in your back. don't get comfortable around a brittney cause right when she see's you week, she goes in for the kill.

don't let her pretty face fool you or your screwed

"wow that backstabber jill is acting like such a brittney"

See scary, mean, backstabbing, gay, bitch


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