Bro Code

What is Bro Code?


A set of rules meant to be a guideline to live by between Bro's. The rules began as unwritten rules to follow but because of the Pussification of America haven't been followed properly and for some men they needed to be spelled out in bold print.

Bro Code

#1: Bro's before Ho's.

#2: Never drink the last beer, unless you have been granted specific permission that it is OK

See bro's, code, life, rules


an assumed list of rules between guys

general things you just dont do to your bros.

bro code rule # 1 - bros before hoes

Bro coed rule #87 - never sleep with your friends ex.


- what man?

- Its in the bro code! you just dont do that!

i cant believe you slept with my ex man!

- man, i feel terrible

See bro code, bros, man code


A seris of rules defining on how a set Bro should act.

The Bro Code

1.Thou shalt not sleep with your Bro’s ex-girlfriend.

2.Bros before hoes.

3.Never drink the last beer, unless you have been granted specific permission that it is OK

4.If a girl falls into the following criteria, she is off limits forever until the end of time:

A. Was an ex-girlfriend.

B. Your Bro specifically told you he wanted her.

C. Is you're Bro's sister.

However, if it's your Bro's cousin, well she's up for grabs, and you're welcome to rub it in his face for years to come.

5.Never diss a Bro if his team just lost a crushing game.

See bro, code, mawd, how i met your mother, marty


Conversation that friends have that only they can understand, many times this is used when describing other surroundings when opposite sexes are around, a distinguished lingual that is understood by each party as a set meaning, language that can be many words or just a few that have meaning, this language can also be taps, hand shakes, winks, nods or other forms of body language

Bobby saw this real hot girl standing with her friend, looked over at James and flapped his arm as bro code, telling James he needs him as a wingman


The sacred code held between Bros. Its closest equivalent or counterpart is Girl Code. To break code with one of your Bros is a blasphemous, sacrilegious, and high Bro treason.

To break the code of Bro is to break the Brolific bond you might have with your Bros.

Example ~

Bro 1: "hey dudes, please don't tell my GF i came to play poker tonight, she'd be totally pissed Bro."

Bros 2 and 3: "Don't even trip man, Bro code."

An example of Bro Code being defiled:

Bro 1: "Dude! I just found out my best Bro has been coming to my apartment and fucking my girl and drinking my beer!"

Bro 2: " Thats ghey as fuck dude, you should totally beat his bitch ass."

See bro, dude, code, treason, bro code, brolific


THE BRO CODE is a living document, much like the Constitution. Except instead of outlining a government, or the Bill of Rights, or anything even resembling laws, the BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a bro and behave properly among other bros. Dating back to the American Revolution, the BRO CODE has never been published before. Few know of its existence, and the code, until now, has been verbally communicated between those in the 'bro'. Containing approximately 150 unspoken rules, this code of conduct for bros can range from the simple (bros before hos) to the complex (the hot-to-crazy ratio, complete with bar graphs and charts). With helpful sidebros the BRO CODE will help any ordinary guy become the best bro he can be.

Sample Articles from the BRO CODE:

Article 1: Regardless of veracity, a Bro never admits familiarity with a Broadway show or musical.

Article 53: A Bro will, whenever possible, provide his Bro with prophylactic protection.

Article 57: A Bro may not speculate on the expected Bro / chick ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observed ratio.

Article 77: A Bro Never Cries.

See bro, code, ho, devil's three-way


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