
What is Bro?


Obnoxious partying males who are often seen at college parties. When they aren’t making an ass of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying. Nearly everyone in a fraternity is a bro but there are also many bros who are not in a fraternity. They often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap. It is not uncommon for them to have spiked hair with frosted tips.

Bros actually chose this name for themselves as they often refer to each other as "bro" even though they are not related.

I couldn't go to sleep last night because some bros at the party next door kept screaming, "Whoooooo!!! YEAAHHHHH! Whooooooo!"


a usually white young male, found commonly in places like san bernardino county in california, as well as orange county. always, without exception, drive big lifted trucks, often white. has the name of their crew or whatever in big white letters on their back window (ie, "skin", "metal mulisha". wear: trucker hats off center, plug earrings, sunglasses, wife beater shirt or no shirt, sagging dickies shorts, high black socks, skater shoes or those black corduroy slipper things, have a lot of tatoos of things like stars.

my neighbor is a bro. hes got the lifted loud truck, wears the stuff, and even has a confederate flag hanging from his rearview mirror.

See Random


Stupid white trash guys in the 909 with lifted trucks, wife beaters, shitty music (usually the most popular rap, hardcore, and nowadays emo) ugly girlfriends, ugly hair, mouths constantly open, retarded as all get up, have no common sense, think its cool to park half on the curb half off, put Flowmaster exhausts on Nissan Hardbodies and Toyota longbeds, don't realize that a huge lift job and giant tires fucks up your gears, which in turn equals less power. Fags.

I saw some OC bitches and some bros fighting last night. I was hoping they'd kill each other off, but I had to do it for them.

See John


1. Friend; commonly used in greetings.

What’s up bro?

I vouch for Todd, we’ve been bros since way back.

2. An alpha male idiot. This is the derogatory sense of the word (common usage in the western US): white, 16-25 years old, inarticulate, belligerent, talks about nothing but chicks and beer, drives a jacked up truck that’s plastered with stickers, has rich dad that owns a dealership or construction business and constantly tells this to chicks at parties, is into extreme sports that might be fun to do but are uncool to claim (wakeboarding, dirt biking, lacrosse), identifies excessively with brand names, spends a female amount of money on clothes and obsesses over his appearance to a degree that is not socially acceptable for a heterosexual male. The female equivalent of the Bro is the Bro Hoe. Bro Hoes are Bro groupies that hang around bros, many of whom are actually quite hot and are thus spared the scorn that is heaped on Bros.

My sisters new boyfriend is an idiot; the dude is a total bro.

See bra, frat, frat boy, fraternity, beer, bro hoe


A version of a bra specifically designed for men.

Created by Frank Costanza and Cosmo Kramer on the television comedy Seinfeld.

Kramer wanted to name the new device a "bro" while Frank wanted to name it the " manziere". They couldn't agree on a name and the invention failed.

If you're a man and you have large breasts, you need a bro for support.


close friends; buds; pals; comradarie

hey, he's my bro, I watch his back, and he watches mine, we're like brothers, yah know?


ussually white guys, with lifted trucks. listen to the newest rap, hardcore, rock.

example- KMK, Disturbed, lil' john etc.


-wear hates at an angle with the visor part fliped up. sometimes have a sign or symbol on it.

-wear skin and no fear shirts.

-jerseys, bandannas, or no shirt at all.

-generaly dress in all black.

-wear big rings, have plugs.

-ussualy seen in the OC, Califronia area.

-use the west side sign more often then needed.

-ussualy seen with black spiked hair.

-into metal mulisha

-wear sunglasses

-kind of in to them selfs


dirt bikes. smoking. drinking. weed. girls.

they dont really care about much. they Normally want to start something or get into a fight. puff there chest up to look bigger and/or tougher.

At a party*

josh-"Why is that Bro over there wearing his hat like that?" (in a loud voice)

Greg-"I have no idea. it looks so dumb."

Bro- " WhAt DiD YoU SaY FaGgOt?? YoU WaNt Me To BeAt YoUr ASS? HUH? what? what?"


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