What is Bro Game?
Players substitute in the word "bro" in appropriate places (where there is the "o" sound, usually). Score points each time the word is used without the target noticing. Very similar to the
Players can also just play among themselves to try to show off their skill at using "bro" in the most appropriate places.
Guy: So how's it going at work?
Bro Game Player: You wouldn't believe this! I was supposed to meet with the C-E-Bro of the company to get a bromotion, but there was broad work on the way to work... So I missed my meeting. But I'm broing to try and reschedule.
Guy: *wonders if hearing is OK*
Bro Game Player #1: Let's head down to the cafeteria, they're serving macabroni and cheese today.
Bro Game Player #2: I'm not that hungry, I'll probably just stick with brogurt.