
What is Bro-ho?


Girls that screw only 'bros'. Real bro hoes acutally ride dirtbikes with the krew they kick it with. They have many river trips && desert trips. Their hair is usally either blonde && black streaked or half blonde ((on the top)) && black ((on the bottom)) usally have piercings of some kind && or tattoos. Into animal prints && bandannas. They rock brands like SRH, Metal Mulisha, Mob inc. or Famous Stars && straps...They DO NOTTT like black people usally...there into white pride && stand firmaly behind it.They also live in the 909, 951, 562 or 714 area code .aka. SoCal

Bro-ho...Bros & bro hoes...bro hoe...bro...all different types of sayings

See bro hoe, bro, riders, 909


A girl between the age of fourteen and twenty. Her hair is either blonde, or half blonde (on top section on hair) and half black (on bottom section). She wears too much mascara and her eyelashes look like hairy spider leggs. They enjoy applying their makeup on in an excessive fashion. One of the more popular items of makeup used by Bro-hos is bronzer. Bronzer is a golden powder used on the face to enhance color. Bro-hos apply so much bronzer their faces look more of an orange color, and the rest of their skin is an orange color as well, but this is from excessive indoor tanning (a.k.a.:fake'n'bake)and also spray-on tanning methods. Bro-hos are commonley found wearing "trucker hats" (hats that have been made by surf companies that resemble the style of hat most truckers wear, but have been fashioned by the companies and sold extremely overpriced to bros and bro-hos alike. They do not carry purses but instead carry mini backpacks(preferably with little metal studs across them). Each of their ten fingers has some sort of ring on it, either being over-sized or over-priced. They like to wear oversized sweatpants with the elastics at the ankels cut off. most shoes owned by bro-hos are some kind of platform shoe ( mostly Rocket Dogg, but other svariations of shoes three to six inches tall). Instead of wearing a necklace bro ho's cut a piece of black ribbon and tie it around their necks like a choker. brohos drive lifted full size trucks that have custom rims and oversized tires all paid for by their fathers that spoil them to a fault. commonly use words such as: like, "oh my god", "totally", "for sures", "dude","bro","romp","dez".. etc.

"Duuuuuuuuuuuude Jays takin that slutty ass bro-ho with us to mike's party!! But only cuz shes gunna get drunk as fuck and hes gunna hit that shit!!

See broho, bro-ho, brohoe


Girl that usually hangs out with Bro's

-Mostly white

-racist as fuck

-ghetto and ugly

-have damaged blonde hair (black on the bottom)

-drive big lifted trucks Ex.(big lifted chevy or ford)


-have thier nails done every freaking week

-have zebra printed stuff

-listen to crappy music like Kottonmouth Kings

- Wear SRH ,Fox, So-Cal,wife beaters .on and on .

-thier bitches

Bro-ho's tend to not like niggers either .

See ugly, dirtbike, rider, lover, chick


a shorter and witty (and stoner) way to say bros before hoes, the word bro-ho is used as a noun.

*special note* the antonym of the word ho-bro

ex.1) that guy is such a bro-ho! you can always count on him.

ex.2) ryan's a bro-ho.

See bro, bra, brother, bros before hoes, bro-hoe


bro's before ho's

Bro:hey wanna go surfing?

Dude:no, i'm going to my girls house.

Bro:Hey, Bro-ho

See bro, dude, ho, chick, laugh


Opposite gender and reflection of Bro-dog. having an unhealthy perception of beauty and are extremely skinny. usually have bleach blonde hair and wear the usual slut clothing such as hollister, abercrombie or Bebe. Start having sex at such a young age that there bodies are completely used up by the time that they turn twenty so they become prostitutes, an easy task for them to do since they have pretty much been prostitutes since they 12, its just that at age twenty they finally start to accept payment

That Prostitot of a Bro-Ho is torn up from the floor up

See bro, ho, prostitute, broho, bro-ho


Extremely ghetto white girl that only dates African-American males. They try to be as black as possible in talk and manner. Bro-ho's tend to wear weave, 2-inch (or longer) fake nails, numerous amounts of gold jewelry or bling, usually clothed in Fubu, Southpole, or whatever they think is "black" at the time. They are also referred to as wiggers and poser.

"She's such a bro-ho!"


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