
What is Brojo?


1. the strong connection, or vibe between two hetero sexual male friends, also known as bros.

2. the trait of a mans personality that attracts friends and life long companions, with little or no effort.

3. also see mojobut for bros

1. "hey man your new girl friend being around all the time is really messing up our brojo."

2. "the new guy at work has tons of brojo. hes been here 2 days and already is getting invited out every night of the week."

See mojo, bro


A New Zealander's sense of direction, drive and Self-assuredness in life. The basis for a bro's belief in ones self.

"Hey man what's wrong?"

"Dunno man, i've lost my brojo!"

See bro, new zealand, mojo, kiwi


Habbo hotel's most kickass habbo staff. brojo likes to hide cabbages and fart in teleporters.

brojo accept my f/r!

brojo unban me!

brojo can I sniff you?

See Disorder


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