
What is Bromo?


Derives from combing the two words "Homo" and "Brother". Shares similar characteristics from it's origin; as in a close guy friend who sometimes comes off as being homo.

Mike has known Todd nearly all his life and the two have endured a lot of experiences together. They really must be Bromos.

See bromo, broseph, homo, brother


When you act kind of gay with your buddies.

"I'm not coming to your house to watch the Tyra Banks Show with you, Bromo."

See gay, buddies, friends, homo, queer


A straight (or in-the-closet) man who acts like he is sexually interested in his brother/close friend. Derivitave: brother + homosexual

Taylor: That shirt looks really good on you, James.

James: Dude, I know we're best friends, but don't go all bromo on me!

See bromo, gay, brother, love, bro-mo, homo, man love


Term to describe someone as being overtly or even subtly homosexual in mannerisms or the such. Believed to be originated from an Organic Chemistry class taken at the University of Houston when the teacher described proper nomenclature for an organic molecule with a bromine attached to it. Bromo sounded a lot like Homo, and the rest is history.

"John you're such a fucking bromo!!!"

See bromo, homo, gay, fag, faggot


One of your "Bros" whom you believe is homosexual, or who acts homosexual on a regular basis, or thinks its fun to act homosexual,

"Why does Jake act so fucking gay??"

"Its ok man hes a bromo!"

See bro, behemoth, bromo, cunt


A term used to say who your friends are. Its like a common hello.

Boy1: Hey bromo!

Boy2: Hey whats up?

Boy1: Nothin much.

See friend, amigo, neighbor, bro


A 101 KGB stunt boy known for wearing thongs, running naked, and denying that he is gay. Also likes to give people pieces of his food, candy, gum, etc. Says "crud" alot....

Look at Bromo in that tuxedo thong. He sure is gay, crud.

See dave, gay, crud


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