
What is Bro-scale?


A scale of 1-10 to rate your buddies on what type of "Bro" they are

Points may be added or deducted depending on the conduct of that "bro"

for instance if a guy is rated 3 on the bro scale he is not a very good friend where if he was rated a 9 he is a close buddy that is always there for you.

"Bro-Scale" may also be called when a guy acts not in a "Bro" manner. This can be said to him to let him know that he is losing points on the bro scale

Guy 1: you ready to get wasted tonite?

Guy 2:Nah I think im gonna stay in with my Girlfriend and watch the note book.

Guy 1: Bro-scale...

See frat, bro, guys, buddy, girlfriend, pussy


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