What is Broventure?
An adventure partaken amongst a group of male friends ("Bros") that involes masculine activities. An event must take place in an outdoor setting for at least 3 nights. Closely related to "Stumpjump" and "Brocation"
Examples of acceptable activities on Broventures:
-Camping (It's required that Bros do not sleep in an established indoor setting. Abandoned indoor settings are acceptable)
-If possible, movies like "Blue Velvet", "Braveheart", "300", and "The Hills Have Eyes". If movies are not available they should be quoted incessantly.
-"Tourettes Guy" viewing and quoting
-Alcohol Consumption w/ drinking games
-Fire & the burning of random objects
-Soccer, Football, Curling
-Gay Jokes
-Any outdoor activity that could result in serious injury such as sledding, biking, climbing, shooting