
What is Brow?


Being ambivalent about something. Generally having a laid-back attitude about a situation.

It doesn't matter to me if we go shopping or watch a movie. I'm brow.

Will it bother the neighbors if we have a loud party?

No, they're brow.

See chill, laid back, relaxed, mellow, flexible


Entertainment's level of sophistication/affectation, i.e. high-brow or low brow.

You know, I'll watch just about anything -- roller derby or Francois Truffaut. I don't really care about brow.


a bro that rows. Much like a lax bro, but they dont play lacrosse

Yo, that guy is such a brow

See bo, row, rowing, lax, sports


a asian trying to say blow

sum ting wong:wirr you brow those damn candres out arready

See sum, ting, wong, brow


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