Brown Baby

What is Brown Baby?


to take a shit; used derrogatorily to say that african american babies are in direct relation to human fecal matter

"Hold on man i gotta go make me some brown babies..."


"Daaaamn you shoulda seen the size of those brown babies i just dropped off at the pool"

See C


The product of sexual relations between a black and a white person. An extremely common occurrence on council estates throughout the UK, in particular London. Young white ladies of such areas believe the young black men to be more desirable than the local white men because they are able to string two words together and are more adept at lying to get their way into the young lady's underwear. The women are flattered by such falsehoods as "You're beautiful, innit?" and also believe the urban myth that all black men have massive appendages.

The white man/black woman phenomenon does occur but is much less frequent.

"Aaah, look at Delroy and Nick's lovely brown baby"


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