Brown Brown

What is Brown Brown?


the mixture of cocaine and gunpowder

we snorted brown brown last night and were trippin balls

See cocaine, brown brown, brown-brown, coke, candy


An amazing concoction consisting of high-grade cocaine and gun powder that causes people to go nuts.

Brett was having a fairly boring evening until he hit up the brown brown and killed someone.

See cocaine, brown-brown, gun powder


Dual lines of gunpowder and cocaine. The gunpowder actually has no effect other than pain and any dillusional experiences are purely placebo induced.

Its given to child soldiers in fucked up countries of africa prior to battle.

snap outta it dude brown brown is just placebo

dammit dude why did u tell me that now im of my high

See cocaine, drugs, go, fuck


(n) poop

(v) pooping, to poop

Language of origin: Latin; "brunus brunus". This term was used in ancient rome to connote a massive outpouring of diarrhea.

I'm gonna go brown brown

See brown, shit, poop, feces, color


The act of hitting a pipe through the carb while plugging the bowl; smoking resinthrough the carb.

Yo man this one is cashed, but you can still have a brown brown.

See resin, carb, spent, hit, bowl


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