What is Brown Butt Cake?
1) A rare case of anal discomfort caused by excessive anal intercorse. It causes the outer ring piece to become excessively slack. This results in feaces protuding past the anus ad forming a cake like shape.
2) Sexual act involving the spooning of feces from ones anus into cup cakes cases, baked on gas mark 6 for 20mins.
3) One who takes pleasure in having his anal passage re-aranged and widened by the use of a desert spoon.
1) Shit man my brown butt cake is showin?
2) Boy: Wants for desert mother?
Mum: Your father and I made a nice brown butt cake for u.
3) Does my brown but cake look big in this?
4) Man they are some tasty butt cakes!
5) Kelly is so hot i want to pratice my brown butt cake skills on her.
6) I cant walk properly after that brown butt cake i had last nite