
What is Broyay?


A spin-off on the word HoYay. It means the same thing, but is more specifically describing scenes between brothers. Commonly seen in the Supernatural (Dean/Sam) and Heroes (Peter/Nathan) fandoms. A more specific genre of BroYay is: Twincest. Most commonly twin brothers like in the Harry Potter (George/Fred) & Boondock Saints (Connor/Murphy) fandoms.

The broyay exploded in radioactive delight. Yay for homoerotic brotherly love!

See hoyay, hoyay!, twincest


The romanticor sexual tensionbetween siblings or, more specifically, brothers, as seen in various mediums, most particularly television and its related fandoms. There is heated debate about the existence of this more-than-brotherly relationship, but despite the controversy, a massive amount of recent slashfanfic and other fan art has been devoted to broyay, especially in the Supernatural and Heroes fandoms.

When Dean Winchester smacks his brother, Sam, on the ass, during The CW's Supernatural, Wincestfans might call that broyay.

When Nathan Petrelli pulls his quite adult brother, Peter, into an embrace and kisses him on the forehead, during NBC's Heroes, Petrellicestfans might call that broyay.

See incest, bromance, wincest, petrellicest, slash


Like hoyay, but for brothers.

Adrian Pasdar and Milo Vintamiglia have some definite broyay going on in Heroes

See homoeroticism, teh gay, gayness, hoyay, incest, subtext


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