
What is Bru?


Form of address, equivalent of dude.

A: "Bru, life is meaningless so I'm boozing it up at Navi's."

B: "Give it horns, bru."


Bru means the same as bro but its a south african way of saying it..

or just taking the piss way of saying bro

Hows it going bro

Hows it going bru

See brother, bru, bro, bre, south, africa


Like bro/brah which stem from brother, bru or broo comes from the word "brood" meaning a family of offspring or young (or brothers).

A South African originated word.

You quit your job?

Ya bru, it was no good.

See bru, bro, china, sister, man


A South African slang term for brother, originating from the Dutch breur; it is the equivalent to "bro" in the US, though it is not used as loosely.

He's been my bro since before I knew myself...

He's been my brü since before I knew myself...

See bru, brother, bro, brü


a word used to describe a very attractive girl

person 1: naaaa star see that bird over there?

person 2: yeh well wanna stick it on her, shes bru she is

See sexy, attractive, gorgeous, tickers, fit


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