
What is Brusque?


verb. have made an action resulting in a bout of social admiration and respect without a lot of effort.

synonyms-cool, hip, heavy, hectic, fabulistic, sick

hey dude your moustache is well brusque.


adj. looks like an ogre, generally a deuschbag and overall a person with an a-DICK-tive personality; crude and caveman-esque; tends to drink obsessively; hates people for no apparent reason

Mike was such a terrible boyfriend, he was such a brusque asshole.

See crude, stupid, shitty, alcoholic, constipated, overrated


Noun: to be one that has acheived or continues to achieve something memorable socially.

Verb: to be doing or to have done something excellent or fabalstic without much effort.

Synonyms- cool, hip, street,

1. Hey man what u just did was well brusque eh..

2. Oh dude, you are definetley a brusque.


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