
What is Bubis?


Originated in 1992, the term 'bubis' means a wide variety of things and objects, but the most common use of this word comes from the giner, and world renowned leprochaun, Jesse Bubis (or the 'bubinator'). A bubis will also refer to a part in your body, that if not fed enough mellowcreme will certainly be infectious, and potentially lethal. To get a bubis transfusion, is to be 'bubified'.

Also see:

bubinator, bubified

"Ay Bubis !"

"You guys seen the bubis lately?"


"You reaaally need to get that bubis checked out.."

"I went to the bubinator yesterday, he gave me some perscription mellowcreme."

"Lucky.. I need to get mine bubified."

See bubis, bubi, bub, jesse


Generally used as a noun, however can also be used as verb if proper congegation is applied: ex-I just bubened myself. Refers to any living on or nonliving entity which by compelling ritual and/or habbit stays in 1 spot while slowly rotting from the inside out and most surely emits a thick, musty smell that possess characteristics similiar, but not confined to a hard boiled egg sitting in a pool of TAG body spray surrounded by both human and rodent fecal matter. Once a person or object has reached the final stages of bubening, which is referred to as clemenclitting, rodents, usually small brown mice found in the Northeastern United States, will gain entry through an orfice, most typically the anus, and begin to nibble at the rotted insides. Usually objects pertaining to Hollywood blockbuster "The Lord of The Rings" or the minimally understood internet game "World of Warcraft" will be found in the vacinity of some one who has been bubened and reached the stage of clemenclitting.

Look at that bubis in there...it hasn't come out in days and smells like sin.

See bubis, josh, boobis


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