Buck Tooth Betty

What is Buck Tooth Betty?


A shorthand term to describe a person that has teeth that jut a good few centimeters in front of their nose.

... Holy Shit That guys a Buck Tooth Betty! He could open several cans of beetroot with those chompers, heh, he'd give a beaver a hard time, I'd put my money on Betty there, good stock running in that family, good stock.

See goo


a large tubby girl, usually by the name of jaclyn, whose teeth are almost horizontal. "buck tooth betty" will usually not understand anything and is extrememly abnormal.

also a buck tooth betty most likely all the time will have a bitch ass sister that needs shit dumped on her head.

buck tooth betty want some doughnuts!?

See tubby, buck, tooth, betty, jaclyn, doughnuts


a large tubby girl, usually by the name of jaclyn, whose teeth are almost horizontal. "buck tooth betty" will usually not understand anything and is extrememly abnormal.

also a buck tooth betty most likely all the time will have a bitch ass sister that needs shit dumped on her head.

buck tooth betty want some doughnuts!?

See tubby, buck, tooth, betty, jaclyn, doughnuts


1) A butt ugly cocktail waitress.

2) When you force your sister to give you head.

1) *sharp whistle* "Hey Buck Tooth Betty.... WHERE the FUCK is my coffee?"

2) "Damn sis... you sho is purty"


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