What is Buckhead?
In Atlanta, Georgia
Where old money lives, and new money parties.
Mother and Daddy have inherited Grandmother's home in Buckhead.
In north atlanta,
The most
Buckhead Atlanta, Georgia, 30305
A rich, white place in North
Big difference between BUCKhead and BANKhead
The more elite community of ATL,known for its mansions and rich families. Contrary to popular belief, not all of buckheads offspring are stuck-up name brand addicts. I would know.Though many kids to go to private schools like Westminister and Lovett, there is also a large group at the suprisingly good group of public scools like SMS, and NAHS. It has many great restaurants and excellent shopping. I love living in buckhead!
Buckhead Diner
A suburban community within the city limits of
Apart from its residential districts, Buckhead is also known for its flashy upscale commercial side, from the expensive office space to the glitzy shopping on Peachtree.
Guy: I have a condo in Buckhead.
Girl: Wow, isn't that where classy people live?
Guy: I'm an idiot
black guy who went to University of Florida, and I drive a car I can barely afford and I wear shiny clothes when I go clubbing. I think that I've 'made it' in life by taking out a mortgage to live in some bland high rise in a declining condo market. One day I will have kids and realize that I can't afford to send them to Pace, so I will move out to North Fulton and live in a Mexican-labor-builtMcMansion and send them to public school.
a person whos head tilts slightly to the side, as if he were looking for something arouund the corner.
The way Jerry was looking at the TV you would have thought it was crooked, but that was just his buckhead.
when there is some phat ass lump on the bluds heads.
See dat boys buck.
blud lets grips his buck
blud you're a buckhead
boy in year 7