
What is Budder?


Budder has been lab tested by Dr. Paul Hornby to be 99.7% THC.

Budder which is below 90% THC would no longer be classed as budder.

Budder was invented by the 'BudderKing' in Vancouver (Canada).


Tips and techniques for smoking Budder:

'Quarter Mile Method' (for those with electric stoves) - Heat up a quarter on the element of your stove till the quarter is glowing red hot. Have a tiny amount of Budder (an amount the size of a pin head or slightly larger) ready on the end of a long metal pin.

As soon as the quarter is glowing red hot, turn off the stove burner, and allow the quarter to cool SLIGHTLY, but only slightly (5 seconds).

Touch down the pin to the top of the quarter, and inhale the resulting smoke through your mouth. It helps to catch it all if you use a paper towel tube. Hold in the smoke for 15 seconds, then exhale and take a seat. Repeat if necessary.

Hot Knife Method - Heat up the tip of a single hot knife with a blowtorch, torch lighter, or gas stove. Then, allow it to cool slightly.

Hot Knife Method - Heat up the tip of a single hot knife with a blowtorch, torch lighter, or gas stove. Then, allow it to cool slightly.

Have a tiny amount of Budder ready on the end of a pin, touch it down onto the tip of the hot knife. Be sure to keep the blade of the knife flat, as Budder liquifies instantly when heated.

Budder looks and feels like ear wax! The more light golden color the more potent the budder is.

Average Smoker: 'why are you putting ear wax on that hot knife?'

Pro smoker: 'Why do you care? Want a hit?'

Average Smoker: 'sure'

Pro Smoker: 'here dude'

Average Smoker: *sucks in the thc* 'MAN, THATS THE BEST SHIT IVE EVER SMOKED!'

Pro Smoker: 'yea its like the ear wax of gods, it's called Budder'

See cannabis, weed, ganja, potent, good stuff


Cannabis extract which ranges from 80-90% THC. The best weed tops off at around 27%, therefore making Budder extremely strong. 'Invented' by BudderKing.

'Man, that Budder kicked me in the balls! I'm so high!'

See weed, cannabis, hash, skunk, grass, green, pot


when making special brownies with bud, and not hash, you mix the melted butter and bud, then strain it, thus makin budder

stoner: "hey dudes, what do you get when mixing melted butter and bud?"

friend: " i dont know man, what"

stoner: "budder, get it, hahaha"

See brownies, herb, bud, weed, cosmic brownies, space cake, cholesterol


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