
What is Buddha?


Originally referred to the Indian prince Siddhartha Gautama who was supposed to have lived in India near the modern border with Nepal and to have become enlighted at the age of 35, but later applied to other people who are supposed to have become enlightened. Gautama's enlightenment was the realisation that the main source of dissatisfaction ('dukkha') was clinging to self, things and desires, which are all empty of independent existence ('sunyata'). Confusion about the nature of things, for example the belief in a separate self is described as 'samsara' and freedom from it as 'nirvana'.

Contrary to common Western belief, Gautama Buddha did not invent the idea of reincarnation (this was the dominant belief at the time) and his philosophy taught liberation from both reincarnation and dependence on worshipping gods. Belief in reincarnation or other metaphysical ideas is unnecessary.

Boy, people have a lot of wrong ideas about Buddha, they even think he was fat, when in fact that was a Chinese monk who later became known as the Laughing Buddha.

See Buddhabing


Urban Slang For Weed.

"Buddha in the lefthand, courvoisier in the right."

See Diego


refering to someone being so awesome, rad, the best ever that the only person's strife who could compare to theirs would be Buddha.

"dude. we're so awesome."

"yeah, i'm pretty sure we're Buddha."

See buddha, awesome, cool, best, rad


a man, a teacher who taught the way to inner peace... to stilling the fires of desire and attachment.

theres only one man i respect its the buddha.


a fat girl(or boy), particularly one considered unattractive in other ways as well.

This is due to their physical resemblance to the corpulent statues of 'The' Buddha (a spiritual teacher in the northern India 563-483 BC, and the founder of Buddhism).

Nate: dude, check out Stacey over there, sat on the bench

Arfur: what, with the blonde hair?

Nate: no, the other one. i spoke to her friend Louisa, and she's well up for you, man! You gonna tap that then?

Arfur: Nah man, i dont do Buddha's

See fat, ugly, unattractive, skank, slapper


A year 9 in NSBHS lookalike buddha. He likes to go bowling. Also wants to eat a panda.

Buddha, you hacker!

See hacker, panda, bowling, eating, god


slang term for weed.

let's go smoke some buddha and get high as hell

See weed, pot, ganja, chronic, mary jane, marijuana


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