
What is Budgeted?


To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget, in the context of "something of poor quality".

Andy: ”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me."

Joe: "Budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

See bad luck, unlucky, budget, persecution


To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget in the context of "something of poor quality".

This word is known to be in common use by select groups of individuals in the UK, specifically in the areas of Berkshire, Slough, Hayes and Uxbridge.

”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me. In other words, I got budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get FUCKING budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

”I pay £40 for a bag of skunk from my local drug dealer. He tells me at the time “It’s a bit dusty,” but I think no more of it until I get home when I find he has give me a £40 bag of nothing but badly smoking, foul tasting brown powder with twigs in. Yet again, I got budgeted.”

See budget, buget, bad luck, unlucky, fucked over, shit on


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