What is Budrys Reflex?
The protective response that erases the knowledge of a truth that contradicts a
Simply put, the way people will immediately forget the truth about something if they prefer to believe the more popular theory or idea - Most commonly seen in conspiracy theorists, the Tinfoil Hat Brigade and in political discussions.
Derived fromt he name Algis Budrys, SF writer, who wrote a story about mental and physical supermen who were ignored by the public for their acheivements by a similar effect in the story 'Nobody Bothers Gus'.
A:( who suffers from
Budrys Reflex ) We spend too much money on the space programme - they should give that money to the teachers or sumthin' . . .
B:(Opens Federal budget) Well, look . . . Nasa gets 3.5billion bucks a year, and the HEW gets 32.1 billion - Ten times as much!
A:Oh. ( Reflex kicks in ) Oh, maybe there's more from the CIA or the Freemasons going into NASA then.