What is Bue?
An acronym meaning "Boyz U Envy." B.U.E. (or more commonly spelled bUe) is made up of an overwhelming amount of closet homosexuals from the Greater Waterbury area in CT. Their lives consist of promoting a bunch of teen parties at old run-down nightclubs because they're too young to get into real clubs, then they use whatever money they make to buy hair gel and pink clothes/accessories. Several of them are considered DJ's (because now-a-days, any moron who can press play and start pumping a bunch of annoying techno is considered a DJ.) They're your typical Guidos, from the fake tans to the Mars Attacks hair styles to the stupid hand sings they make in every picture they take for their MySpace pages as if to make people think they were in a gang of some sort.
BUE is living proof that the youth of America has officially gone retarted.
physical strength.
Named for a drawing done by a little kid that was supposed to say "That is how god showed his love." but the "lo" looked like a "b" and the "v" looked like a "u." so the sentence appeared to read "That is how God showed his Bue."
I flexed my muscles to show off my bue.
Angolan portuguese slang for "much, very, alot"
Estou bue cansado. Estou bue alegre. Havia bue de gente