
What is Buhalism?


Buhalism is the youngest of the world religions and has the most preserved holy text. According to The Holy Creation of Noctua, world came to be after an jaded purple egg fell from the sky near a container made of metal.In doing so our universe burst to life and from the ashes, which fell from the burning sun Noctua(Du Buhal Kopele), the primal God was formed.

This engaging being first roamed the earth culling the weaker creations that were formed as the the jaded egg(Hedera Ovo)opened up. Soon enough though Du Buhal Kopele became tired of this endless task and created humans to finish the job. However in return for giving humans life the primal God wanted to be prasied. A special ritual was to be held out every time one broke one of the five princples of Buhalism. That is to symetrically place a piece of Spud(cut in a disk like way then fried) onto a small lump of Canis lupis familiaris excrement.

Five Princples of Buhalism

1. Never talk about Buhalism.

2. NEVER talk about Buhalism.

3. Never lack an umbrella or any other ritual object.

4. Hug a tree a day and beware of titanic corporations.

5. Worship Du Buhal Kopele.

The followers of Buhalism are the smartest people in the world.

Buhalism is spreading a message of peace and love to all.

Followers of Buhalism are completly at harmony with themselves and the world around them.

See religion, owl, best, peace, tree, dog shit, jaded, metal, kopele, love, harmony, holy, creation, egg


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