Bulletin Board

What is Bulletin Board?


A bulletin board is an electronic message center that usually serves a specific interest group. One reaches a bulletin board through the Internet, and then reads or posts messages to relate to others who frequent the specific board.

Hi Jak, I read your post on the bulletin board!


1. (Noun) Virtual mouthpiece for angry, hysterical people with no sense of grammar, spelling or moderation.

2. (Adjective)Incoherent, mis-spelled invective, generally unrelieved by actual knowledge of the subject being discussed.

1. I'm writin to this muthafuckin bulletin board cauz im angry about mr john so called kery and his muthafuckin pinko fagot democrat bastards who are thretening decent white civilizasion

2. Why do I have to read this sort of wearisome bulletin-board rubbish all the time?


an electronic bulletin board is a place where messages are stored and anyone may browse the messages. These are often called NEWS GROUPS.

bulletin board is like a forum

See forum, board, group


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