
What is Bullshitter?


someone who lies so fucking much its unbelieveable

dale blackburn , bullshit king


Someone who lives and breathes bullshit.

Even the carbon dioxide that they exhale has bullshit.

They have the tendancy to lie about the smallest things to make themselves seem better.

Tommy: Wow Cindy, You're slow. I finished my chemistry homework yesterday!

Cindy: Yeah right.

-Few hours later-

Tommy: Cindy! I need help with my chemistry homework!

Cindy: You just told me you finished it!

-Few hours later-

Cindy: Tommy is such a bullshitter


See liar, bullshit, bull, shit, lies


Some one who just talks the biggest load of crap ever. They just won't fucking shut up!

Paul: Oh yeah i know, i can complete Halo without firing a single bullet on Legendary!!11!!

Mate: Yeah, Yeah, BULLSHIT!


some one that talks bullshit every time they open their mouth!

Mate 1: Hey Mate... you know that Rob, he is the biggest bullshitter ever!

Mate 2: Word!


One who talks shit, never has anything to back it up and never admits to talking shit.

Art is a classic bullshitter. He talks out of his ass and never backs up anything he says but he will never admit it.


An inveterate liar. A person whose life is so empty they have to invent grandiose yarns and daring exploits to make people think they are anything other than sad pathetic losers.The king of bullshitters is a guy called Eddie and one of his outlandish anecdotes is transcribed below.

"So I got a bite and I reeled it in and it was a 500cc motorbike. Kick started first time. Went down to Birmingham for the weekend on it. Pulled two girls and did them both in the hotel room while snoting coke off their tits. Just as I joined the M6 on my way home the front wheel fell off. Couldn't fix it so had to do a wheelie for the full 120 miles."

"Jesus! You bullshitter!"

See liar, joker, spooler, balls, arse


someone who tells you all about their millions of castles all around the world, and their own island that no one else knows about, their 10000s of musical intruments that dont excist the list goes on and on and on...

in short- Dale blackburn


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