
What is Bumblebee?


somebody who is kind,sweet like honey, and always there. Just like a bumblebee will always be there even when you think she left you she's still there. Somebody that I can truly say is my best friend.

Kristine, A.K.A bumble bee, is one in a billion.


A sexual maneuver in which partner A places a double-ended dildo in his or her anus and proceeds to slap partner B with the free end of the dildo.

"Yeah. Last night was so hot. I thought I knew all the tricks in the book, but then she pulled out a dildo and gave me a bumblebee."

See bumble



often used while the victim is standing nearby, so that they get confused, and basically, you can call them a bitch without them knowing

cate:Omg! Max! Guess what? Omg! Poke! Poke! You are so cute!

max (to allison) : she is so annoying! she is such a bumblebee

allison: fo real.

cate: (with stupid look on face) whaaaa?

allison: oh, nothing....

See bumblebee, bee, bumble, bitch, stupid, idiot, whore


A person who is ethnically part black, part oriental.

"Yo son, that ain't no pure nigga--he's a bumblebee motha fucka. His momma's a chink."

See black, oriental, jamaica, china, mom


the sick nastiest animal ever to buzz around on our sick nasty planet

The bumblebee on my hat makes it sick nasty.


the gayest and most loserish character on transformers, that my retarded little cousin (who i only hang out with coz i feel sorry for her) went to a party dressed as.

(i went as megatron = tre` cool)


ash - shutup bumblebee

See teneille, toe, transformers, megatron, gay


a gay mutha car

the bumblebee needs to be blown up


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