
What is Bumbum?


young school-kids way of saying 'ass'. Also see botty, bum, tush

"Oopsie daisies! I landeded on my bumbum!"

"Hey, thaaaat's great, kid."


A sign of endearment for two people passionately in love.

I love you my little baby bumbum bumski.

See bumbum, love, affection, kisses, baby


what a kid calls someone so fat they have two asses

kid: mummy wook at dat bumbum!


anal sex, or the love of another mans anal area. bumbum refers to man on man sex, as they both have an arse that is "penetrable", therby being two "bums" included in the sex.

"dont try and hide it, we all know you like the bumbum"

"those gayboys love a bit of bumbum"

See bumfun, bumlove, bum sex, anal sex, gay


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