
What is Bumrush?


1) (n) Crash the gates of a show with a pack of people, in the hope to get in without having to pay. "Yo! Bumrush the show" -- Public Enemy. (Yo! Bumrush the show) 1987.

2) (v) To get beaten up by a large, angry group of people. Literally to get rushed by bums or lowlifes.


1.(v) To blindly charge at

2.(v) to attack in force, to use in force

3.(v) to raid (As in pillage/common tatic in online games)

1. After the Unknown Raven's AC had run out of ammunition, Cold Dragon bumrushed him with his MOONLIGHT.

2. Danei's missiles bumrushed the enemy MTs.

3. A common tatic in Starcraft is to bumrush your enemy with Zerglings, lots of them.


To attack someone or something by wildly charging them full force with no sort of tact or skill other than one's own momentum and possibly the backs and sides of their fists as they randomly flail them out of rage, but certainly consisting of no precisely swung blows. Also bum rush.

"Dude, Charlie just bumrushed me!"

See bum, rush, bumrush, charlie, saggy sammy


what happens when you're starting shit in a public place (like a club) and a whole group of fools jump in to whoop yo' ass.

"BREAK OUT before you get bumrushed!" -Will Smith

See Nick D


when a bum, stranger, acquaintance, etc. happens upon a young woman (the rushed) whilst she is using public transportation. he then proceeds to masterbate, ejaculate on her face (or the surrounding area, depending upon skill level), and flee the scene (i.e. rush). bumrushing normally occurs late at night, or in the wee hours of the morning. it is generally an enjoyable experience for the bum, but not so much for the rushed.

Yo did you see that man bumrush that chick on the subway last night?

See spiderman, superman, batman, the force


When two or more people rush at something like a pair of bums rushing towards a piece of food, carboard box, soap, etc;

When me and my friend see a pretty girl, we bumrush her until she gives up running away.

See CP


The correct definition of the word is actually:

Bumrush orginated when homeless peoples would come into a store and start loitering and casuing disturbances looking for places to sleep/eat/take shelter. These are stores such as super markets or retail stores. Store managers, became disgusted and tired of the homeless and degenerate roaming through their stores in search of warmth and possible indulgence of a twinkie or two. They went into the back storage room and usually took a broom and then went on a frenzying rushto rid their stores of bums. Thus the store went back to it's original status of a respectable and pleasant place to shop.

Clerk(to store manager): You see that guy over by the ice box... and look at that guy looking fritos off the floor in the snack aisle, I think we need to go on a bumrush.

See bums, rush, homeless, broom


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