
What is Bungholery?



1. an act, or acts, when performed, make the performer a bunghole.

2. smoking crack and then claiming, "the bitch set me up," when caught.

3. being married and divorced 4 times, having countless infidelities, and then asserting that same sex marriage is "immoral," and should therefore not be legal.

4. claiming not to be a bigot, yet working to maintain LGBTs as second class citizens.

5. being an international punch line, yet taking oneself completely seriously.

6. being utterly self-serving and narcissistic.

7. claiming to represent an entire group of citizens, while having absolutely no redeeming social qualities, thus doing everyone a disservice.

8. having a group of followers whose sole purpose is to ensure that the form of discrimination they face is the only socially unacceptable form of discrimination.

One wonders whether Marion Barry actually supports marriage equality and realizes that the best way to advance the cause would be for him to continue to engage in rampant acts of wanton bungholery, of which he is well-known and is expected to perform, thereby causing all foes of equal rights to seriously question their "values."

See assholery, hypocrisy, fakery, shade, charlatan, fraud, stanky


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