
What is Bunked?


"Bunked": When one attempts a joke but it fails to recieve laughs or trigger the humor of surrounding attendants

''Yeah you just got bunked mate''

''Mega bunked there pal..''

See bunked, mate, yeah, peg, yeh, whats, that, you, say


Bunked - To skip something, such as an event, school, or work.

Today i Bunked a lesson because it was going to be boring.

See bunked, bunk, skip, skipped, no show


a. Straight up whack.

b. Bad, beat.


The chick the drama guy hooked up with last night was so bunked, I wanted to puke

See weak, whack, beat, bad, fubar, horrible, ugly, terrible, disgraceful, nub, noob


To use something without paying for it

I bunked the train = I did not buy a ticket

See skipped, freeloaded, bunked


When you are a little more than buzzed but not yet drunk you are bunked.

I was the perfect level of intoxication last night...a little more than buzzed but not yet drunk, I was definitley bunked.

See bunk, brunk, buzzed, drunk


Extremely wasted andor stoned to the point where movement or activity become uninteresting and resentful.

Temporary mental to physical paralysis caused by laziness and urge to do nothing.

"Yo J lets go bowling!"

"Fuck that bro, I'm to bunked to leave."

I'm sorry officer! Honestly I'm sober! M over here is bunked out of his mind though."

See high, wasted, stoned, loopy, crocked, blazed, burn out, burnt, comotose, trip, tripping, blank, sedated, lit up, light up, tipsy, buzz


super stoned on dank green

goddam i'm bunked, G!

See stoned, high, green, weed, pot


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