
What is Buns?


The curvy contour of a girls gluteus maximus muscles as seen from behind. AKA cheeks,ass,butt.

Margie's buns look nice and tight now that she's working out.


A term that supposedly originated in New York city and has been gaining popularity amongst young Latino and African-American youth.

Usually refers to a "p*ssy" ....or a male or female coward

Taken literally may allude to the softness of a breaded bun.Hence a synonym being "soft"

"Yo,why didn't you fight him?!,you mad buns!".


bad, inadequate. see "wack".

that movie was mad fuckin buns, i cant believe i just payed ten bones for it.

See sizam


Of the bread family; you usually put some source of meat,cheese, and condiments on. :]

"Hey I need some some buns with my meat"


Was made in NY, and is now used almost everywhere.

Buns means to be soft, pussy, or to call something wack.

Can be mixed in with other words such as; if someone crossed you over in Basketball you would be called "Hot Crossed Buns". The way of using Buns is endless but dont forget where it came from, NY.

You--"Yo, i cant..."

Me--"Nigga you Buns"


"Yo this party is Buns"

See buns, soft, pussy, wack, ny


a type of bread that you eat

Hey!, Don't touch my buns


a nickname for a guy with a really hot ass!

Like damn, did you see Buns' buns?!

See booty, hot, monkey, sex, rob


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