What is Burge?
Verb: to spill, specifically an alcoholic drink. Also, to break, shatter, destroy. Also, to set a couch on fire.
"She's a mess. Totally drunk and she Burged all over the new carpet and won't clean it up!"
Taken from the surname Burgess, a common slut around the local city of Newcastle in Australia.
This word, BURGE, can be used as a susbtitute for the word VAGINA, or any of its slang counterparts.
1."What i'd give to mung on that chicks juicy, juicy Burge!"
2."Eat Burge you F**king cocksnap!"
To unknowingly destroy, erase or make a clumsy catastrophic error. Usually used as a word in vain.
Verb. Oh great you've Burged it! You've done a Burge!
noun, to be on tour with a musical or performing group, the process of being on tour with such a group. Generally spoken or written in the pejorative.
"We've been on the freakin' burge for so long I'm beginning to like bad gas station coffee."