What is Burlington High School?


A public high school in Burlington, Vermont with 1150 students from 9th-12th grade. School colors are blue & white. Officially called Burlington International High School for a day, due to all of the diversity in the school, including many refugees. Consists of 5 different buildings, labeled A-E, each 2-3 floors each and connected by glass walkways. There is a courtyard out front, and in the center, and a new state of the art field. A place where everyone goes to class high, or drunk, the librarians are hell, and everyone either is chill, or wants to be.

She's mad chill, I bet she went to Burlington High School.

See burlington, vermont, bhs, public


Burlington High School is a public 9-12 high school in southern Iowa. It is the only public high school in the area; if you do not consider the Alternative school.

They are the Grayhounds.

The school focuses on athletics seemingly more than academics.

The school has a particularly bad reputation concerning fighting, violnce and partying.

The school has broken a record this school year, on having the most suspension in one day (eighteen). Every suspension was the result of a fight

A person: Hey, did you hear abot that fight over at Burlington High School?

B person: Yeah, man, that's crazy to have a school be so undermanaged.

See iowa, b-town, high school, students, violence


Burlington High School is a public 9-12 high school in southern Iowa. It is the only public high school in the area; if you do not consider the Alternative school.

They are the Grayhounds.

The school focuses on athletics seemingly more than academics.

The school has a particularly bad reputation concerning fighting, violnce and partying.

In one incident of violence, the principle was punched and had to receive approximately 30 stitches.

The school has broken a record this school year, on having the most suspension in one day (eighteen). Every suspension was the result of a fight.

The school also has the highest dropout rate in the State of Iowa. In 2009 it was recorded at 8.1%

A. Why's your lip bloody and you don't have your G.E.D.?

B. I went to Burlington High School.

See burlington, b-town, bcsd, high school, b-ville, fighting, dropout


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