
What is Burma?


South East Asian for "backward."

Dude, your cell phone is bigger than your radio. That's so Burma.

See socialist, communist, athiest, backward, stagnant, big brother, illiterate, hell


An expression coined when one cannot think of anything else to say.

Orig: the famous Monty Python sketch about the penguin on the television set. Graham Chapman forgot his line/lost his place, and improvised with the word 'burma'.

chapman: perhaps it came from next door.

cleese: penguins don't come from next door they come from the Antarctic!

chapman: Burma!

cleese: .....why'd you say 'burma'

chapman: I panicked

See meh, bleh, python, monty, burma


What Myanmar was once called.

The Brits finally pulled out of Burma.

Yeah, let's call it Myanmar now.

See myanmar, burma, asia


Be Upstairs Ready My Angel

When writing home from military, a suggestion that the extramarital lover be away for the weekend. See also poloand norwich


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