Burned Out

What is Burned Out?


What occurs when you overwork yourself into a state of limited mental acuity, depleted emotions, and strength completely drained from your body.

I was so burned out I didn't even know I was burned out. When three days of vacation helped maybe 2%, I realized I had to cut way, way back on the hours. I don't mind playing brinksmanship with myself, screwing around until deadline on shit I have to do. But, when I miss even those basic deadlines and my important stuff just starts piling up - of what I can't even function enough to take care of - well, it was pathetic, and I'm only just now coming out of it after chilling a few weeks.

See overworked, wiped out, exhausted


Dissapointed. or Coming off a high,and not feeling good.

"My check isn't as big as I thought it would be. I'm burned out."

"I don't feel like doing anything right now, I'm feeling burned out."

See Mea


Having undergone the maximum occupational exposure to ionizing radiation permitted during an administrative period (typically a year); therefore not eligible for more work in ionizing radiation during that period.

A lot of gamma fodder will have to be burned out to clean up this radioactive spill.

See burn out, gamma fodder, radioactivity, radiation, nuclear


Slang; Burned out is a replacement for played out. People may use it to describe a noun that is no longer or never was cool, interesting, etc.

Guy: Look at my chest, it's huge, isn't it!?!?

Girl: Shut up. That chest is burned out, skinny ass.

Guy walks away disappointed

Guy: I'm going to this night club called Studio 9, wanna come?

Girl: Boy that place burned out years ago. You're so late.

See played out, uncool, weak, boring, annoying


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