What is Burque?
Slang/abbreviation for city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The term, although specific origins are unknown, is thought to have lingered through generations of "Burqueños," (people from Albuquerque).
Very recently there has been a collective reaffirmation of this nickname in response to current Mayor Martin Chavez's announcement of a commercially-driven re-branding of Albuquerque as the "the Q." Many people feel as if this new nickname has nothing to do with Albuquerque, but with a gentrified version of the city that has been sanitized to be more palatable to outside investors. Nevertheless, new city buses and other city-run aspects of the community have adopted/been branded with this new catch-phrase.
The Frontier restaurant is classic Burque: old people on sundays, pop-punk teens at 11pm after their concert, cholos at any time of day, and when all the bar-going individuals somehow find their way up from downtown when the bars close.
Abbreviation for Albuquerque
Hey what happened to Zach?
Man that chode moved back to burque like 2 months ago.
Burque is slang for the city of Albuquerque New Mexico. It is pronounced like: Booor-ke. A non-New Mexican calling it that is just asking for a punch in the face. Mayor/village idiot Martin Chavez is trying to change its nick name to "
person 1: "Hey, did you here that douche bag mayor Chavez is trying to change burque's nickname to "
The Q "?
person 2: " What the fuck does
The Q have to do with Burque???"
person 3: "Fuck that stupid cunt. Its always been called Burque."
Refers to Albuquerque, NM.
It is the inspiration for a forthcoming real-estate venture, to be known as "Burque Homes".
Burque Homes slogan will be:
"Burque Homes...holmes. Get your home from Burque Homes, holmes."
Hey holmes...need a home in Burque, holmes? Get it from Burque homes, holmes.
The nickname given to Albuquerque by hispanic locals. In the past ten years or so a nameless local free weekly magazine decided to steal the term and anglicize for their own shameless self promotion by changing the pronounciation from Burque to "Ber-kee".
Yo soy de Burque!!!
Albuquerque, the main city in the nmwasteland
We're representing Burque, the 505, up here in this hizzouse! A shout out to yall in Burque missing out on this! Wooooooo!
Pronounced "Booed-Kay", it's slang for Albuquerque, a medium sized town in the middle of the New Mexican desert.
Albuquerue's public schools rated at the lowest in the nation, and therefore it was decided to make the name into something easier to spell, thus sparing numerous 9th grade equivalent adults the embarrasment of trying to spell Albuquerque for the growing flood of
"The Burque is one of the few places where the disorganized labor force can be exploited without dissent."