Bush Doctrine

What is Bush Doctrine?


The definition of Bush Doctrine has changed over time. A chronology as presented by the phrase's originator, Charles Krauthammer:

1) 6/4/2001 - Bush administration policies of unilaterally withdrawing from the ABM treaty and rejecting the Kyoto protocol, together with others, amounted to a radical change in foreign policy that should be called the Bush doctrine.

2) Post-9/11 - Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists

3) Post-Iraq - A doctrine of preemptive war

4) Current - The idea that the fundamental mission of American foreign policy is to spread democracy throughout the world.

I used the Bush doctrine and told him he had to take a side!

See bush, bush doctrine, foreign policy, politics, gop


The thing that Sarah Palin has no idea of what it is or understanding of whatsoever.

CHARLIE GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

SARAH PALIN: In what respect, Charlie? GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: His world view.

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.

PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.

GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us.

See bush, palin, sarah palin, republican, idiot


Not an actual doctrine such as the Monroe Doctrine. Simply, a term used to describe what President Bush has done in response to Septemeber 11th. This covers the Patriot Act and wiretapping, Guantanamo Bay, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Overall, it describes how President Bush has attempted to combat terrorism at home and abroad.

The Bush Doctrine, although nonexistant, outlines how president Bush planned to combat terrorism throughout the world.

See bush, patriot act, doctrine


Something Sarah Palin doesn't know.

"I don't even know what the Bush Doctrine is"

See palin, bush, snl, lipstick on a pig


The stated policy of George W. Bush that all nations harboring terrorists will be considered terrorist states.

Iran may not have attacked anybody, but because it harbors terrorists it's considered an enemy nation under the Bush Doctrine.

See george w bush, war, foreign policy, terrorism, doctrine


A specialist in waxing, triming and removing female pubic hair.

"I was looking really gross in my bikini so I went to a Bush Doctrine for a Brazilian."

See barber, forester


To pose a pedagogic question while hubristically ignorant as to the correct answer.

Even Liberal journalists like Charles Krauthammer decried Gibson's attempt to bush doctrine Sarah Palin, pointing out that there exist four such doctrines, and that Gibson's definition was not even current.

See palin, election, charlie, gibson, interview


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