Bush V. Gore

What is Bush V. Gore?


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. (2000), a court case before the United States Supreme Court marked by scandalous abuse of process and corrupt partisanship on the part of the Republican-appointed majority of the bench.

The decision:

-prevented determination of the will of voters in Florida,

-over-ruled state authority over electoral process, and

-appointed G.W. Bush president.

The judicial culprits in this partisan travesty were:

- Rehnquist, William(boss-judge),

- O'Connor, Sandra Day,

-Kennedy, Anthony,

- Thomas, Clarence, and

- Scalia, Antonin.

For excellent examples of wisdom and legal reasoning, read the dissenting judgments of Justices Souter, Breyer, Stevens, and Ginsburg in Bush v. Gore.

See conspiracy, bush, crime, family


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