What is Busier Than A Cat Trying To Bury A Turd On A Frozen Pond?


A phrase your grandparent might use to describe being busy with a futile, impossible, or endless task.

Cats like to cover their feces, but if they've done their business on a frozen pond, no matter how long they try to dig up something to cover it with, their paws will always slide on the ice. The joke is the mental image of a cat making the digging motion on ice for a long time.

I don't know why I keep weeding that garden. I've been busier than a cat trying to bury a turd on a frozen pond, but I tell you what, there's gonna be just as many dandelions tomorrow.

See busy, tedious, impossible, infinite, busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, busier than a two-peckered billy goat


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