Business Casual

What is Business Casual?


The degree of formality when related to the workplace, most often with clothing.

formal > business formal > business casual > casual

Companies will require employees to wear business formal in corporate or financial environments, executive and management positions, or when interacting with high-caliber customers.

Business casual is more common in small cities and among mid- and entry-level employees. Some business formal companies have Business Casual Fridays.

When in doubt, it is better to overdress than to wear clothes too casual, so as not to be reprimanded by the suits.

"Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."

Business formal: Suits

Business casual: Sweater, collar without a necktie, polo, vendor swag, blouse, black/brown/navy/gray trousers, pressed khakis.

Casual: Dockers, denim jeans, shorts, t-shirts, linen.


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