Bust And Split

What is Bust And Split?


When a man goes to a woman's place that he has just met has sexual intercourse with said woman, and then leaves immeadetly afterward. And never speaks to or makes contact with her again after the aforesaid act.

Eric: Hey Scott! you seen Jim around here?

Scott: Nah, he left with some bitch like half an hour ago.

Jim: Hey guys, how's it hangin'

Scott: Yo! I thought you took that bitch home.

Eric: Yeah, what the fuck are you doin' back here?

Jim: Oh, I just pulled a Bust And Split, I'm just tryin' to get me some dessert.

Eric & Scott: OH! you're a fuckin' man-whore!

Jim: hey not everyone is a pussy magnet.

See bust, split, pussy magnet, man whore


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